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Wedding Poses that WON'T Make Your Groom Uncomfortable

Most grooms don’t generally ENJOY taking wedding photos, that’s a fact. Generally, I get a little stressed when I see the Groom taking photos and can tell he is uncomfortable. So, when I work with a photographer who is not only quick at capturing the perfect shot, but can also make the Groom and his Wedding Party have FUN, I feel happy.

Most grooms don’t generally ENJOY taking wedding photos, that’s a fact. Generally, I get a little stressed when I see the Groom taking photos and can tell he is uncomfortable. So, when I work with a photographer who is not only quick at capturing the perfect shot, but can also make the Groom and his Wedding Party have FUN, I feel happy.

Your Groom just wants to enjoy themselves and not feel like they need to be a GQ model all day. Show your photographer THESE images and I gurantee they will capture great moments, without the corny vibes.

The Relaxed Walk

(1)Jessica Lynn Photography, (2)Lisa Lorene Photography

Groom Fixing His Clothes/Jacket-

(1)Jessica Lynn Photography, (2)Claudia Hurtarte Photography, (3,4)Judy & Gavin Photography, (5)DeLauras Photography

Friends Relaxing-

(1) PinkBox Films, (2)Jessica Lynn Photography, (3)Judy and Gavin Photography

Groom Prep-

(1)Judy and Gavin Photography, (2)Jessica Lynn Photography, (3)Claudia Hurtarte Photography

Formal with a relaxed vibe-

(1)Jessica Lynn Photography, (2)Judy and Gavin Photography, (3)Kate Van Amringe Photography

Being Silly-

(1)Kate Van Amringe Photography, (2)Judy and Gavin Photography, (3)Michael Anthony Photography, (4)Studio 7 Photo, (5)Rebecca Theresa Photography, (6,7)Jessica Lynn Photography

Cool Guy-

(1,2)Jessica Lynn Photography, (3)Kate Van Amringe Photography, (4,5)Judy and Gavin Photography

Sock Photos-

(1)Kennedy Graham Photography, (2)Judy and Gavin Photography

Back Turned-

(1)Jessica Lynn Photography

(1)Jessica Lynn Photography

And that’s all of them! Here’s where you can also find all of these photographers:

Have a Wonderful Day,


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